Minggu, 24 Juli 2011

Anak = Teka Teki Aneh

Saya heran, ternyata memahami jalan pikiran anak adalah lebih sulit daripada memahami kemauan seorang pacar. Saya mempunyai anak didik usia sekolah SD Kelas IV. Anak itu sempat curhat kepada saya dengan polosnya berkata :

" Mbak, aku ora kepengen dadi kelas IV, penak dadi kelas III entok dolan-dolan, entok delok tivi, ra tau diseneni nek ra sinau.... nek kelas IV ki mung dikon sinau teros je... Aku emoh dadi cah gedhe!"

Terus terang saja saya kurang pengalaman menghadapi curhatan anak seusia itu. Apalagi siswa tersebut sebelumnya cukup senang belajar matematika dan cukup mahir, tetapi sejak kelas IV ini dia tidak bersemangat lagi untuk belajar apapun (kecuali menggambar dan belajar komputer).

mohon bantuannya. terima kasih

Kamis, 08 April 2010

Usaha Memahami Filsafat

Memahami posting dengan bahasa tingkat tinggi ternyata tidaklah mudah,,bahkan sangat susah. Perlu berulang kali membacanya agar kita paham betul dengan isinya,,intisarinya.

Filsafat dirasa bahasanya terlalu tinggi mungkin karena filsafat mengupas sesuatu dengan begitu dalamnya,,,, tinggi setinggi-tingginya....

adakah trik untuk lebih memudahkan saya memahami banyak hal tentang filsafat?

Sabtu, 12 September 2009

Very sorry

Im very sorry to not so often to write anything here,,,

Senin, 15 Desember 2008


In this period of time, television is one of an electronics mass media which is able to quickly spread so many information and it makes people pay attention to watch this. There are various kinds of programs shows on television, started by infotainments, entertainments, advertisements, news, even cinemas and films that have negative unsure on the action. It makes the viewers, like children, teenagers, parents and absolutely students, spend their time just to watch television. There are so many cases that more students are interested to spend their all day time just to watch television better than to study or spend their time with family. They even almost forget their lunch time because very enjoy the television programs. Don't we realize that it is one of our problems today?
We can't deny that by television, we can get a lot of benefits, where we can quickly get the recent information that is happened in this whole world all whole day.
If we learn more about this, actually television mass media hes the prime function. They are informative function, educative, recreative, and as a medium to socialize some new and old values and comprehension.
But now we can see the real situation and condition in our surroundings, that television has more function on informative and recreative only, and less on educative ones. Whereas in my opinion, the educative programs is the most important message to tell to the viewers (students).

Rabu, 10 Desember 2008


If a studebt is confronted with some problems on linear equation and he masters the material, absolutely he will very emnthusiasme to solve it. but sometimes a student will be bored because related to Lewin Theorem with his famous psychology theorem that is medan theorem or field theorem, there said that if there are too many replies happened will cause a bored situation on it.
But it's gonna be different if the student is not mastering enought the material. he maybe confuse, unhappy to face that thing, and maybe uninterested with the subject.
here they are some feelings that maybe in the student's mind that time :
1. happy
2. emnthusiasm
3. motivated
4. satisfied
5. unhappy
6. sad
7. angry
8. lazy
9. confuse

According to motivation theorem from http://www.psb-psma.org/content/blog/teori-teori-motivasi, here they are something that affect the somebody’s motivation :
1. His perception of his self
2. His hope
3. His needs
4. His dreams
5. Surroundings situation and condition

In my opinion, mastery of the material, good facility, friend's motivation, and motivation from the teacher play big role for the student's motivation. To be success, a student not only must have enough ability to solve the problems, but also good skills, creative strategy, good spirit for survive on trial and error.
So, what would happened on a student when he found a trouble? In my opinion, here they are the probability :
1. They will ask to the teacher
2. They will ask to the other friends
3. They will make a group of discussion
4. They will read more book
5. They will search the answer on internet

In this topic, LINEAR EQUATION, usually students have errors on calculating the value of the variable. The other error's probabilities are in determining the certain place of x area. Area here means place/field/region.
BY substituting just any value of x we can determine whether the area of x is in the right side of the limit (value of x) or in the left side of it. But here we have the easier way to determine the side area of x.
If x > t , the area of x is bigger than the value of t, so it is in the right side of t
If x < t , the area of x is smaller than the value of t, so it is in the left side of t.

Senin, 08 Desember 2008


Beside have a good professional and academic competency, for me, a good mathematics teacher must have other criteria. Here, I grouped 3 criteria of a good mathematics teacher. At least, an idol mathematics teacher can :
First, master the mathematics material. A mathematics teacher is properly master its material. What the world say if a mathematics teacher does not master the material?
In order to help on mastering the material, teacher must keep learn and study. Education has no end. They have to wish to increase knowledge from everywhere they can get. Do not satisfy by the knowledge that they have had. Do not proud of their self for the length of time they exist on "the teaching world". Simply, they wish to fix their self.
Second, to be the best mathematics teacher, they have to master the way to teach the material to the students. They must be able to invite his students to enjoy the learning process, relax and fun. To do that job, they need to master and practice a various kinds of learning approaches to deliver the material in effective way, that we realized, everyone have his/her different ability. Teacher must understand how the students learn mathematics. And don't ever forget that mathematics is part of human life.
Generally, students love a mathematics teacher who cares for his/her students and knows how to explain things so the student understands, being able to explain an idea in different way, take difficult concepts and make them simple and fun, tend to be caring and open for questions, use slight humor and are always easy to understand, doesn't rush over the material and willing to give lots of extra tutoring. Preferably, they give plenty of examples for each concept going step-by-step.
The third criteria to be a good mathematics teacher is having a sincerity. A word that easy to say, but difficult to be done. Sincerity here means that learning activity that the teacher do is needed to be based as the aim to do the religious service (praying). By this aim, teacher and students will enjoy the learning process. And be a mathematics teacher, will be the most wonderful job in the world and hopefully in the beyond after. Amien
So, the meaning of readiness to be a mathematics teacher is not just comply with a request of competency, but they must do the best for their students.
In this paper, I feel that I'm ready to teach mathematics in english even though there are still many lacks that I have. Nobody's perfect. But I will always try to be the best, the best that I can be.


a. Professional Competency Of Mathematics Teacher
The basic nature of mathematic education is to help the students having a critical thought, effective and efficient logical reasoning, scientific attitude, discipline, have a good responsibility, self confidence, and also good religious. Because of that reason, mathematics teacher have a job to help the students understand the mathematic principles, and its value. So that arise a good thought, and logical reasoning, critical, creative, intelligent, open attitude and curiosity of the students.
That job will be a very good job if it is helped by a professional competency. according to Bambang Aryan on website : http://rbaryans.wordpress.com., professionally, a mathematics teacher must have skills and ability as the explanation below :
1. Able to develop a creative and innovative thought on mathematics learning
2. Able to understand student's psychology development
3. Able to enlarge communication ability and mathematics communication
4. Having a large knowledge and insight, comprehension and professional attitude on problem solving
5. Able to develop educational profession appropriate to the period of time

b. Academic Competency Of Mathematics Teacher
Academically, a mathematics teacher is expected to have skills and ability, such as :
1. Able to help the students to develop their comprehension about mathematics principles
2. Able to build logical reasoning, critical, creative, intelligence, open attitude and curiosity of the students
3. Do the mathematics process
4. Teach mathematics as a fun teaching learning
5. Choose the exact methods and relevan technique related to the students physic and psychology development
6. Able to make a good lesson plan
7. Well-skilled on class management
8. Exact on making lesson assessment and can accept the learning reflection result that have been done on the follow up of the program

Source :
www. Tsbvi. Edu